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I'll take the same quote. F*** America.


I don't really have a dream. Dreams usually become your reality at a certain point because if it's a dream, you usually strive for that dream and then one day, it will manifest into reality. But, usually I stay away from dreams because dreams don't always go the way you want them to. It could be real great, but we live in reality. Always live in the now. Don't live in the dream. Dreams even turns into nightmares at some points.


The struggle to me is just pretty much -- see he kind of said everything for me already, but I'm not really from here, so my struggle is like a whole lot different. I come from Jamaica. I came up here and was living back and forth. I see how certain people live up here and how we live back on the island, and it's completely different. So it's just me always trying to -- I use to try to fit in, but not anymore. I just... I know myself, I know where I'm from, I know my culture, I know everything, and I just try to embrace that and try to be that. Nobody else. I can't be nobody else 'cause over here, anything goes.


          PoB: What do you think was like the biggest difference between Jamaica and                    here?


Rules. Structure. Unity. I say, it's a small island, so if anything usually happened, it was like, if something bad happened, it could easily spread to one end of the island real quick, so we usually nipped it in the bud before it even did that. And it was mostly for the youth; it was not even for us.


Over here, you got everything. It could be wrong, but people still allow it, like certain things. It's just like, they're not even caring about what the kids see or do anymore, like they're just following suit on anything. It's not even right. The difference that I see is just like there's no structure here; there's no unity. Nobody stands up; they're just cowards. They just watch. Like how people's dying in the streets everyday. No one stands up for that; they're just watching. 


I'm an artist. From abstract, murals, still life... any kind of art from any type of medium. Painting, pencil...



The reason being is cause as a young child I always had a niche for the environment, nature, just everything around me. Instead of watching, I always wanted to draw it, paint it. It was my passion. Art is like completely my soul and joy. If I didn't do art, I don't know what I would be doing. So, that's why I do it. And just, I don't know, sometimes you see how it brightens up another person's day, when you create something and they like it. You never know.

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