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I guess I really wanna just say, stop judging people based off their looks. Definitely that. Like, if I have curly, kinky hair, don't judge me for it. Don't call it untamed or unmanageable. And if I have a lot of piercings, it doesn't mean I'm like a rebel or constantly trying to go against the machine. It just means, it's who I am.


My dream is to have my own place in like SoHo, as well as like having a little Siberian Husky. And being a forensic pathologist, cutting open dead bodies. That's my dream.


         PoB: Why?


It's like, I love the dead. It's kind of sad; it's weird. But, the thing is, I like to find their story out, like I want to find out what caused their death, how they lived their life practically, and also find out the evidence of the story. Give solid evidence based off the body, not off like other people's ideas, what they saw.


The struggle is having money. It's like I pay for my MetroCard and it's like I'm already losing a hunk of my check.


And then the struggle's just trying to be like happy at the same time living with parents, so that's definitely the struggle. Being myself and at the same time trying to be a good daughter. 


I'm right now a student and a receptionist. 



I'm a receptionist just for the fact I've known the company forever and I kind of like helping people...

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