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The dream is to live off the land, to tend the land, to drink from the land, eat from the land, work with the land, and be fully self-expressed.


          PoB: Here in New York?


A little bit of that could be here, but for me, it’s definitely more rural area, more in the cut. Hopefully, not far from a body of water, the ocean, a river, a lake, a pond, something. But yeah, I think I’ll have interaction, a relationship with a city or urban areas probably for most of my life, but I think I’d prefer to be more rooted in a  more rural landscape


I think that the struggle is balance. The struggle is a balance of the things that you need to do and the things that you want to do. That’s what I’m finding out. I’m trying to figure out that balance in life.


I’m a maker. I work with wood and stone and plants and music. I make furniture, boats, landscape, stone work… Stuff like that.



I do those things because it feels like my most fluent language. I think that I have to be making things in order to understand how reality works. It’s like being in that process of making things pretty continuously just keeps me connected with some sort of purpose. At least whatever type of machine I am, I function best when I am making things.


I’ll say, love equals gravity. That’s my mantra.

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